Marine Technical Services is located in a new building at the beautiful Herrington Harbour North Marina and Yacht Yard in Tracys Landing, MD, directly across Rockhold Creek and Tracys Creek from the maritime village of Deale, MD.
Mailing Address: PO Box 249, Tracys Landing, MD 20779
The new building is located at 38.775N, 76.565W.
Click Image Below for larger interactive version.

Driving Directions:
From Washington D.C…
Take Rt. 495 to Rt. 4 South/East (exit 11A). Stay on Rt. 4 for 15 miles and take a right onto Rt. 258 (Bristol/Deale). Follow Rt. 258 five miles to the first stoplight. At the light make a right hand turn onto Rt. 2 south. Drive ¼ mile and take the first left onto MD Rt. 256. Come down the hill and you will see the expansive Herrington Harbour property on your right. After you enter the main entrance of the marina stay straight on the paved driveway, turn when you see a paved drive on your left. Pass the pool and MTS is right in front of you.
From Annapolis area and other areas to the North…
Take MD Rt 2 South about 10 miles from the Annapolis area to the traffic circle in Lothian, MD. At the traffic circle take the 3rd exit and stay on MD Rt 2 South for 3.8 miles. Turn Left onto MD Rt 256 (Deale Road.) Come down the hill and you will see the expansive Herrington Harbour property on your right. After you enter the main entrance of the marina stay straight on the paved driveway, turn when you see a paved drive on your left. Pass the pool and MTS is right in front of you.
From the South (Solomons/Prince Frederick)…
Take MD Rt 2 North. Turn right onto MD Rt 256 (Deale Road.) Come down the hill and you will see the expansive Herrington Harbour property on your right. After you enter the main entrance of the marina stay straight on the paved driveway, turn when you see a paved drive on your left. Pass the pool and MTS is right in front of you.
Directions by Water:
Approaching from the North…
Look for green can 83A at approximate position 38-46.0/76-29.6
Proceed southeasterly to Herring Bay flashing red 4s #2, passing flashing green 2.5s #1 on your port.
Approaching from the South…
Watch for green can #81A at approximate position 38-44.45/76-30.95’
Look to the northwest for Herring Bay flashing green 2-1/2s Herring Bay #1, which is a four-legged structure. There is a crab pot float-free channel marked by four white and orange state buoys due west of Herring Bay #1.
Proceed on a westerly course to flashing red Herring Bay #2.
After passing Herring Bay #2 on your starboard, swing wide for 100 yards to a northerly course toward day marker Herring Bay #3 on your port.
Proceed on a northwesterly course to Rockhold Creek flashing green 4s#1 on your port.
Pass flashing red 4s Rockhold Creek #2 at the end of the jetty on your starboard, favor the center of the channel.
Pass Rockhold Creek #3 on your port, proceed on same northwesterly course to Rockhold Creek #4 and #5 (a pair).
Options on Arrival…
Hail “Herrington Harbour North” on VHF 16 and slip assignment will be made. It is best to reserve space ahead of time by calling 410.867.4343 and letting the office know that you will be coming for service by MTS. When you do so, request a slip nearest MTS.